
Wood Street Infant School

Wood Street Infant School

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Willow Class

Welcome to Reception.

We have an experienced Early Years Team who strive to meet the needs of all children in our setting.  We enjoy a free-flow approach where children have access to both indoor classrooms and our outdoor classroom for a large proportion of the day.  We teach using a balance of adult-led activities and through embracing children’s interests and learning styles by working with them on learning of their own choosing to support and extend this.

Children take part in daily phonics whole class sessions. Phonics is taught using the Essential Letters and Sounds Scheme and reading books are carefully matched to this.

We use the local field and woodland to enhance our learning through our Forest School curriculum.



Class teachers: Mrs Kent (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs James (Fri)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Blackman and Mrs Smallbone



PE days are Friday.

Children come to school in PE kit on these days.


Your child will receive a sound mat which matches the sounds taught as part of our school's Phonics scheme, ELS (Essential Letters and Sounds). Each week in our weekly news, we will communicate the sounds we have taught. It is helpful for your child to practice recognising these at home.

Reading school decodable book at least 4 times per week

Key words of the week to practice (sent on weekly news)

Phonics of the week to practice (sent as a paper copy as learnt)

Numbots at least 3 times per week (White Rose one minute maths can be used as an alternative)


To contact Mrs Kent or Mrs James please email or
