The governing body of the Federation of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School have decided to consult with parents, carers, staff and the community on a proposal to open a teacher-led nursery at either Wood Street Infant School or Worplesdon Primary School.
This is your opportunity to let us know what you think about this proposal. Please click on the link below.
Nursery Consultation - Click Here
There will also be drop-in meetings (in person and virtual) to discuss these proposals. At Wood Street Infant School on Wednesday 8th March 6-6.45pm and at Worplesdon Primary School on Thursday 9th March 6-6.45pm. Please contact the school office to register your interest.
If you do not have a child under the age of 4, please use the "contact us" box below to send us your views.
Please use the boxes below to give your opinion on the proposal for a new teacher-led nursery at either Wood Street Infant School or Worplesdon Primary.