
Wood Street Infant School

Wood Street Infant School

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All children’s levels of achievement are assessed continuously, enabling teachers to identify children who may have special educational needs. All children have access to all areas of the curriculum and all class teachers differentiate work to provide the most appropriate programme of study for each child. When we are concerned that a child is not making expected progress, we liaise with parents and may call upon the services of outside agencies that can assess and suggest learning strategies or a specific learning programme. Occasionally a child may be withdrawn for individual or small group teaching sessions.
All children in the school are offered our Wave 1 provision which every child will receive, this is set out in more detail in our schools offer. Children who need more support will be identified for our wave 2 or 3 provision. Parents will be informed if your child is accessing a wave 2 or 3 provision. 

The school uses a graduated response outlined in the Code of Practice to respond to children’s special educational needs. We work in partnership with our parents at each of these stages:

SEND support:
The class teacher or parent identifies and consults with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). The SENCO takes the lead in gathering information and co-ordinating the provision in school. If parents/staff still have concerns the teacher and the SENCO are supported by outside agency involvement.
Education Health Care Plan:
The LEA considers the need for Statutory Assessment and may order multi-disciplinary assessment; the LEA may issue a formal Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). This will be formulated with parental, child, school and outside agency involvement.
SEND policy
As a part of the SEND 14 changes, as a school we must involve parents in the writing of our SEND policy. In order to do this we wrote a draft copy of the policy to incorporate the SEND 14 changes. We then sent the draft policy to a selected number of parents (a working group) to give feedback and suggest improvements for the policy. These improvements and changes were discussed with the parents and then added to the final version. 
Able Pupils
In addition to the curriculum work, those children who are identified as particularly talented or able are further challenged in their class work and in other non-academic skills. 

We provide effective learning opportunities for all pupils, including children with special educational needs, disabilities and medical conditions. 
Local Offer
Services including health, education, social care and leisure can be found on the Surrey Local Offer website -

SEND and Inclusion Policy

SEND Information Report

Our SENDCO is Mrs. Bassett-Cross. To contact her please complete the form below, alternatively call the school office on 01483 235165
