There are many ways in which you can support your child at home. As part of our home school agreement we ask that you read regularly with your child and support them with set home learning tasks. Below are some further suggestions, ideas and advice linked to our school curriculum.
School Values
Our school is a happy place that has children at heart and in mind in all that we do. We strive to offer the richest learning experiences where everyone achieves more than they thought possible, within a caring, dynamic and appreciative ethos. Our school values are at the heart of our curriculum and there are many ways that this can also be supported at home.
Here are a few ideas linked to our school values to try at home:
- Praise your children for their resilience and perseverance when they have
- Play games encouraging turn taking and sharing
- Promote your child's independence and sense of responsibility by encouraging them to take their plate to the kitchen when they have finished eating, getting their own things ready for school, tidying up after themselves.
Phonics and Reading
Phonics plays an important part in children's progression in reading. For guidance more information can be found here.
Why not try:
- Using magnetic letters on the fridge or foam letters in the bath to make real and silly words. Create a new animal and think of a name for it.
- Promote opportunities for writing (shopping lists, cards, letters, labels when playing etc)
- Read regularly with your child. Ask them lots of questions about what they have read, including lots of inference based questions. Have a look below for some ideas of questions you could ask.
There are so many real life experiences that can be linked to maths; setting the table, going to the shops, playing games and even watching TV!
Why not try some of theses ideas at home:
- Getting your child to pay for shopping using coins and notes
- Practice mental maths skills - number bonds to 10 and 20, counting in 2's, 5's and 10's
- Talk about time - what time is it now? What time do we go to school? What time do we have lunch? The TV show is half an hour long, what time will it finish?
- Use digital and analogue clocks.
E-safety - In the rapidly changing, digital world that we live it is vital to be open and have a constant dialogue with your child about internet safety. Guidance to support this can be found