We expect that all pupils will:
• Attend school regularly (100% attendance)
• Attend school punctually for 8.30am registration
• Attend school appropriately prepared for the day
In the event of illness, parents must ensure that they use Studybugs or phone the school to report the child’s illness by 9am on the first day of the child’s absence and continue to report each day of the child’s absence.
Get the app or register now (https://studybugs.com/about/parents)
We have a legal obligation to know why a child is not in school. When a child does not attend school, we will respond in the following manner:
• On the first day of absence, if the absence is not reported on Studybugs and/or no telephone call is received from the parent/carer, the school will endeavour to contact them that day. If there is no response, the school will endeavour to contact all other contacts held on file
• If there continues to be no response to calls or the absence remains unexplained, the office will inform the Home School Link Worker (HSLW) and a member of SLT and further investigation and action will be made accordingly; i.e: home visit
• If there is persistent non-attendance, the school’s HSLW or SLT member will keep records of contact with home during the period of absence and this will be discussed with the Inclusion Officer (IO) and a formal referral may be made
• If a child has persistent absence and meets the criteria for a Penalty Notice to be issued or has been taken out of school without the Head Teacher’s permission for 5 or more days; the school will liaise with the IO/LA to decide if a Penalty Notice should be issued