Welcome to Year Two.
In Year One we use a whole class approach to learning. We have daily English, Maths and Guided Reading sessions. The National Curriculum is taught through specific lessons including RE, Learning for Life, Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art and DT.
We use the local field and woodland to enhance our learning, particularly in Science and Geography.
Spelling is taught using the Essential Letters and Sounds Scheme.
Reading books are matched to children’s phonics knowledge initially. They then move on to banded books. Children area assessed using benchmarking to ensure both decoding and comprehension skills are well developed. Children bring home reading books matched to these assessments to read at home.
Class teachers: Mr Bowers
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Macleod, Mrs Moyle (Mon-Weds) and Mrs Glaysher (Weds-Fri)
PE days are Tuesday and Friday.
Children come to school in PE kit on these days.
Reading school decodable book at least 4 times per week
Key words of the week to practice (sent on weekly news)
Phonics of the week to practice (sent as a paper copy as learnt)
Numbots at least 3 times per week (White Rose one minute maths can be used as an alternative)
To contact Mr Bowers please email b.bowers@woodstreet.surrey.sch.uk