Thank you to the parents, carers, grandparents and friends who supported the PTA activities.
Together we raised over £7,500 between September 2022 and August 2023.
This money was largely used to replace out of date IT equipment for the pupils and teachers.
From September 2023 the PTA have been fundraising to replace the 20 year old Trim Trail in the playground. At £18,000 this is the largest target they have ever tried to achieve through a combination of activities in the school such as the Christmas and Summer Fair, second hand uniform sales, cake sales and by obtaining grants to match their fundraising efforts. This academic year we hope to achieve £9,000 of the £18,000 goal set.
This term the major fundraising event is the 2024 Summer Fair on the 28th June.
We welcome everyone to come along and join us for an afternoon of family fun.