
Wood Street Infant School

Wood Street Infant School

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About the PTA

The Friends of Wood Street PTA are a friendly group of parents and teachers who volunteer their time to organise fundraising events that help purchase resources and other learning materials for the pupils of our small village school.


By supporting their fundraising by either joining the PTA or participating in the events and initiatives they run you will help to enrich your child's learning journey.  For example, the PTA have recently funded a Christmas Panto, new PC's for the children and teachers and are now raising money to replace the Trim Trail in the playground, which it is hoped  will be enjoyed by children for the next 20 years.


All of this is done by a small group of parents who give their time and efforts to raise the funds.  They are always looking for more parents to join the team.  If you cannot commit to joining the PTA however, please come along to just one meeting, either in person or via Zoom, as your ideas could be the next big fundraising event.


Please use the PTA Contact page to send an email to the team.
