British values are taught at Wood Street School through collective worship, our strong school ethos and the respect and tolerance we teach for all faiths through our values based curriculum. Through the curriculum we teach respect for civil and criminal law, respect for public institutions, services and other people, respect for democracy and an understanding of how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.
Through SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development) we:
Develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through:
PSHE curriculum
Social group for children who need extra support
Celebration Assemblies
Distinguish understanding of right from wrong and respect the civil and criminal law of England by:
Talking about people who help us; police
Anti-Bullying and Racial Incident log kept at weekly staff meetings
Learning about Parliament in history eg Guy Fawkes
Encourage children to accept responsibility for their behaviour and contribute positively to society through:
Sunshine awards, lunchtime rewards, positive praise, whole class rewards
All adults provide continuous constructive feedback on individual and group behaviours in accordance with our Behaviour Policy
Visits to Church for Harvest festival, Carol Singing etc
Teach tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions through respect for own and other cultures:
Enrichment activities eg Chinese New Year Dance and Drama workshop
Around the World Day
Respect for other people and democracy by:
Voting for peers to stand for councils eg School Council and Eco Council
Debating and hot seating
Visiting speakers eg Rev. Alex and parents who speak about different religions and their customs